TWI Industrial Member Report Summary 789/2004
T Kostrivas, L S Smith and M F Gittos
This review compiles published information on static and dynamic sustained load phenomena and distinguishes between the mechanisms responsible, and parameters affecting, time dependent failures in titanium alloys under various loading conditions. It is intended that this information draws attention to a mostly overlooked performance aspect of titanium structures and, through consideration of appropriate design criteria, minimises the risk of future time-dependent failures. It is also intended that this data be used to identify any critical areas where published information is scarce.
- To critically review published information from the literature and to assess the parameters affecting, and the mechanism(s) responsible for, time dependent failures in titanium and its alloys under sustained load strain (SLS), sustained load cracking (SLC), dwell fatigue and ripple fatigue.
- To provide practical guidelines and recommendations for titanium alloys to help avoid or minimise the risk of SLC.