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TWI Ltd Wales

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TWI Ltd Wales specialises in the development and application of state-of-the-art non-destructive testing (NDT) methods. Through applied research and development in response to requests for assistance from Member companies, we provide real-world solutions to inspection challenges across a broad range of industries. These technologies are particularly important for industry, where there is potential growth in sectors such as aerospace, petrochemical, road and rail transport, energy, and healthcare.  Robust, cutting-edge inspection technologies are vital to underpin the structural integrity required to ensure that industry can provide safe, reliable and cost-effective products.

Our Technologies Include:

  • Ultrasonic testing (UT) – conventional and immersion
  • Advanced UT such as phased arrayfull matrix capture, non-linear and laser UT
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Radiography (RT) – digital and film
  • Microfocus RT – resolves flaws down to 15µm
  • Computed tomography – 3D imaging including microfocus
  • Eddy current including eddy current arrays
  • Pulsed thermography
  • Laser shearography
  • Robotic and automated inspection of complex geometries
  • Bespoke application software development
  • Composite inspection

We also provide independent assessment and verification of both established and new NDT and inspection techniques.

The facility uses a range of engineering technologies to provide a complete service in NDT, which may involve:
  • Technique development
  • Procedure preparation
  • Inspection validation
  • Site deployment
  • Training
  • Research and consultancy
  • Business solutions
  • NDT facilities
  • Technical information
  • Problem solving

Advanced Engineering and Materials Research Institute

In 2016 TWI announced plans to construct a state-of-the-art engineering inspection and validation facility at its Wales base. The Advanced Engineering and Materials Research Institute (AEMRI) will combine expertise, equipment and resources for bespoke structural testing and evaluation services designed to determine, test and validate the limits of performance of advanced materials and to find ways of saving time, minimising production costs and reducing the risk of structural failure. 

Find out more information >>


The facility participates in EU-funded programmes, as well as leading joint industry projects and consultancy projects for UK and overseas engineering companies in the aerospace, oil and gas, and power generation sectors.

We have managed and participated in many successful projects; a few are listed below. 

ChipCheck – Development of novel X-ray inspection system for fast automated detection of counterfeit PCB components

FlexiRiser Test – Development of novel ‘underwater’ digital radiography techniques, sensors and systems for the volumetric examination of offshore flexible risers and flow lines 

SafeRail – Development of novel inspection systems for railway wheelsets

QuaLiTi – Development of novel quality control system for the inspection of titanium components in safety-critical applications in the aerospace sector

HEDRad – Development of novel digital computed radiography technology using high-energy radiation for the volumetric examination of large-scale components

SHeMS – A lightweight structural health monitoring system

NozzleInspect – Autonomous robot for automated inspection of nozzle welds


TWI Ltd Wales
Harbourside Business Park
Harbourside Road
Port Talbot
SA13 1SB

Tel: + 44 (0)1639 873100

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