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Robotic Automated Inspection - Advanced NDT

Robotic automated inspection
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Automated inspection can provide significant benefits for non-destructive testing (NDT) processes including reduced inspection times, increased throughput, higher levels of accuracy and repeatability, lifetime digital inspection records, automated reporting and efficient 3D data acquisition and analysis.

TWI has developed several highly capable, automated inspection systems suited to both research and development work as well as production inspection.

These systems combine commercially available NDT sensors and robotic systems with TWI’s Crystal SDK data acquisition and analysis software to provide a fully integrated inspection system with a single, user friendly and intuitive interface.

TWI Resources

Robotic non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) systems – TWI has numerous automated inspection systems ranging from highly mobile and flexible collaborative robot inspection systems (for site inspections or remote inspection applications) to large scale, fixed industrial robot systems. With the capacity for large scale, complex geometry components, these systems are ideal for the inspection of carbon fibre composites where defects such as delamination and voids can be detected, but other material types can also be inspected.

Path planning –  For industrial robotic inspections, the robot programmes are developed off-line using state-of-the art simulation software to ensure full coverage and de-risked inspections using 3D CAD models of the components. This process can also be used for collaborative robot path planning if required, however, the Crystal SDK software also includes and automated path planning feature which can save significant time and effort for field inspections and requires no CAD model.  

Multi-method inspection - The automated inspection systems can be used with a variety of NDT sensors, depending on the material, geometry and inspection requirements. These include UT and PAUT, advanced UT methods (such as FMC and TFM), eddy current and eddy current array systems, air-coupled UT, laser UT, digital tap testing and microwave inspection.

Software Solutions – TWI’s 3D data acquisition, visualisation and analysis software synchronises robot movement with senor data acquisition. The software is available as a standard, off-the-shelf product or as a bespoke application tailored to specific customer equipment and inspection requirements. 


  • Accurate and efficient inspection of complex geometries
  • Capability to inspect large components
  • Multi-method NDT in a single system
  • 3D visualisation of inspection data (either with or without 3D CAD model)
  • Automated defect detection
  • High inspection productivity
  • Fast inspection speeds
  • 3D Digital inspection record and automated reporting capability


  • Aerospace product examination
  • Inspection of composites and fibre-reinforced components
  • GFRP inspection for marine and renewables
  • Remote and hazardous inspection capability

For more information about TWI's NDT services, please email

The automated inspection systems featured in this article have been developed at our Technology Centre in Wales. For more information about the Centre, please click here.

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