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Visual Inspection Services

Despite the technological advances in imaging and measuring equipment, visual inspection remains an important technique for checking for defects, discontinuities and inconsistencies in materials, equipment and structures.

This most basic form of visual testing is used alongside other non-destructive testing and inspection techniques to provide confidence in welds, materials and structures.

Our visual inspection services can be applied to a variety of industries and applications, from the largest pressure vessels to the smallest of joins.

TWI applies visual inspection in line with codes and standards, looking for a range of characteristics according to the needs of the project.

We can look for problems and attributes including:

  • Banding
  • Corrosion
  • Cracks
  • Dimensional uniformity
  • Material consistency
  • Surface flaws
  • Surface discontinuities

TWI provides impartial and independent testing and inspection, along with the required documentation, to ensure your products or assets are compliant with specified acceptance criteria, either on-site or at one of our facilities.

For more information, please email us

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