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What is the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive?


Frequently Asked Questions

The WEEE Directive, applicable in all EU Member States, aims to:

  • reduce the waste arising from electrical and electronic equipment;
  • improve the environmental performance of all those involved in the lifecycle of electrical and electronic equipment.

Increased recycling of electrical and electronic equipment will limit the total quantity of waste going to final disposal. Producers will be responsible for taking back and recycling electrical and electronic equipment. The Directive covers WEEE used by consumers and for professional purposes. Producers of electrical and electronic equipment must apply the best available treatment, recovery and recycling techniques.

This Directive affects those involved in manufacturing, selling, distributing, recycling or treating electrical and electronic equipment. This includes: household appliances; IT and telecommunications equipment; audio-visual equipment; lighting equipment; and electrical and electronic tools, toys, leisure and sports equipment, medical devices and automatic dispensers. See Annex 1B of the Directive for a full list of products.

For further assistance from TWI on WEEE matters, please contact us.

Further information

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive

EU Background information on the Directive

The Association of Collective WEEE Take Back Systems

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