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Numerical Simulation of Guided Wave Inspection

Numerical simulation
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Finite element analysis (FEA) and numerical modelling are used to simulate the behaviour and propagation of guided waves in structures such as pipes and rails, and the interaction of these waves with defects. 

Our expertise

Numerical modelling is used to identify suitable wave modes for use in guided wave inspection to simulate the interaction of guided waves with defects in structures, and to interpret the signals received during inspection of engineering components. To achieve accurate results these models require a small element size and small time-steps. The computational power required to produce models in a reasonable timeframe is achieved through TWI’s ability to utilise parallel processing.

Advantages of a combined modelling and experimental approach include:

  • New techniques for measuring the dimensions of flaws
  • Validated simulation of different components, material types and coatings
  • Optimised probe array design and location for improved defect detection
  • Integration of a client’s technical drawings for rapid simulation of complex structures
  • Rapid production of inspection prototypes meeting complex industrial requirements
  • Evaluation of difficult situations, eg branches, joints, holes
  • Development of the technology for new applications such as rails, storage tanks, bridge suspension cables and bridge prestressing tendons

Benefits and applications

Numerical modelling has been used to extend the capability of Guided Wave Testing to include assessment of defect size (eg the extent of corrosion damage to a pipeline) and identification of the circumferential location of a defect in a pipe. This information reduces operating costs for users by allowing decisions on maintenance to be made based on remote inspection, with no need for more costly local inspection.

Our track record

The use of FEA to extend the capability of guided wave inspection is described in a number of Industrial Member Reports, including:

  • 762/2003 ('Finite element analysis of long-range ultrasonic waves in metallic structures of arbitrary cross section')
  • 886/2007 ('Improvements in guided wave focusing technology for detection of defects in pipelines')
  • 911/2008 ('Innovative techniques for sizing locally thinned areas in straight pipes and for inspection beyond pipe bends using guided waves')
  • 1025/2012 ('Modelling and inspection of pipes containing bends using long-range guided waves').

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