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MAST3RBOOST: Advancing On-Board H2 Storage Solutions

Wed, 05 June, 2024

TWI has been working as part of a consortium of 13 partners from 9 European countries on the European Union-funded MAST3RBoost project to develop Cryo Adsorbed Hydrogen Storage (CAH2) technologies.

The project has achieved significant research breakthroughs, demonstrating excellence in cross-sectoral cooperation towards the development of key enabling technologies for the future of hydrogen use.

The project has gained a remarkable cohesion among the various institutions that make up the consortium. Particularly, partners Nanolayers (NANO), University of Nottingham (UoN), and TWI in establishing a solid foundation for the development of infrastructures for using machine learning techniques, developing descriptors for activated carbon materials, and identifying critical parameters for improving performance indicators.

Furthermore, collaboration between University of Nottingham (UoN), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), University of Pretoria (UP), Envirohemp (ENV), and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has enabled the development of protocols establishing scalable/standardised synthesis, interpretation of analytical data for reproducibility, and computational models for materials within the project framework.

Additionally, in the development of innovative hydrogen storage technologies, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Envirohemp (ENV) have made significant advances in the densification and scaling of ultra-porous materials from the MOF and carbon families. Through joint meetings and debates, they have addressed a wide range of challenges and achieved a significant milestone in the preparation of the first composite granulates, representing a significant step forward in the research of sustainable and advanced hydrogen storage technologies. The first multi-kg batches of the densified adsorbent materials are expected to be produced by the end of 2024 and early 2025.

Moreover, TWI, working alongside CIDETEC, and Leichtmetall Kompetenzzentrum Ranshofen (LKR), has devoted considerable work to generating test matrices and reviewing databases to validate materials for hydrogen storage tanks. In particular lightweight materials, such as aluminium or magnesium alloys as well as aluminium based metal matrix composites have been selected to maximise gravimetric storage capacity. This contribution has been essential for the project, as the use of suitable materials is crucial to ensuring the safety and efficiency of hydrogen storage.

Elsewhere, the synergistic collaboration between SPIKE, EDAG, and LKR has enabled the development of vessel components and short-term hydrogen storage systems. These partners have worked closely together to ensure efficiency and safety in the production of vessel components and systems. CAD experts from the different partners have been actively contributing to the design of the vessel and heat exchanger. This resulted in a singular system geometry whose final design was frozen in early 2024. Manufacturing stages have started and will result in the production of the first prototype during quarter four of 2024.

These significant findings are complemented by the presentation of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) carried out by Contactica (CTA). This systematic evaluation approach will be crucial for assessing the cost-effectiveness and environmental performance of MAST3RBoost project products, providing a comprehensive picture of the project's approach to sustainable development and systemic assessment.

MAST3RBoost has the potential to produce major breakthroughs for on-board hydrogen storage. With each stage, TWI and the rest of the consortium demonstrates a commitment to developing disrupting and sustainable materials and components. The project's outcomes are expected to stand as a testament of the joint efforts of all of the consortium partners working together.

You can find out more on the dedicated MAST3RBoost project website, here.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe's research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101058574. TWI's work in this project is funded by Innovate UK under grant no 10040807.

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