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TWI hosts IIW meeting on health, safety and the environment

Mon, 25 February, 2019

The International Institute of Welding (IIW) held a meeting of Commission VIII to look into factors relating to health, safety and the environment.

The Commission, which recently appointed TWI’s Technology Manager, Geoff Melton, as chairman, welcomed attendees from around the world for the two-day meeting.

Among those present were representatives from the UK, United States, Japan, the Netherlands, France and Germany along with others joining via video conferencing from Australia, Sweden and Canada.

The agenda included a discussion around the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) monograph volume 118 investigation into the carcinogenic effects of welding, including a full medical and epidemiological evaluation of the IARC rating of welding fumes and UV radiation in welding.

There was also a presentation on hexavalent chromium, a human biomonitoring project for Europe, a discussion on ACGIH standards and guidance to industry, and a presentation on EU regulations on the eco requirements for arc welding, which followed a tour of TWI.

The next meeting will take place at the IIW Annual Assembly in Bratislava in July, 2019.

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