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Successfully-Tested Propulsion Devices Developed at TWI

Wed, 25 September, 2024

TWI has recently completed a programme of work, undertaking diffusion bonding trials to develop the joining process parameters for copper chromium zirconium (CuCrZr) propulsion devices (thrusters) for use in space flight. These 22 Newton chemical propulsion systems are designed to enable orbital maintenance and positioning of satellites in space, operating on the sustainable propellants of hydrogen and oxygen.

Figure 1. High batch size thruster photomask being inspected
Figure 1. High batch size thruster photomask being inspected

The Innovate UK-funded project saw us carry out a number of small-scale trials to identify a suitable set of diffusion bonding parameters for CuCrZr. Once parameters were identified and validated through characterisation techniques, a final diffusion bonding run was completed, manufacturing a batch of 8 demonstrator thrusters.

Figure 2. High precision regenerative cooling system enclosed within the thrusters
Figure 2. High precision regenerative cooling system enclosed within the thrusters

The bonded thrusters were returned to the client (Second Star) and have subsequently been tested at Second Star’s C-Site facility located at Westcott Venture Park. The thrusters successfully demonstrated stable operation at thermal equilibrium, representing a major technical de-risk of the novel manufacturing methodology. You can see a video of a manufactured thruster during testing at Seconds Star’s facility, below:


TWI and Second Star will continue to work together to refine the diffusion bonding process; a core step of Second Star’s ‘2D+ Fabrication Process,’ which enables highly scalable and precise chemical propulsion system manufacturing.

For more information on Second Star please visit their website: Second Star - Scalable, Sustainable Propulsion Systems

For more information on the capability and benefits of diffusion bonding – please visit our web page here: Diffusion Bonding - TWI ( or contact us using the email address below.

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