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Webinar on Welder and Welding Procedure Qualification

Webinars 24 February 2025

Lion Engineering Webinar on Welder and Welding Procedure Qualification

Time: 3pm

The qualification of welding procedures and personnel, typically via welding and testing, is essential to ensure that welded products meet the desired requirements and properties. Welding qualifications of structural or safety-critical components are normally carried out to national or international standards, such as the ISO 15614 series, ISO 9606 series and Section IX of the ASME B&PV Code. To quote the latter: codes and standards are not handbooks and “cannot replace education, experience, and the use of engineering judgement”. So, the application of such standards requires a degree of interpretation and may raise difficult questions.

There will be a Q&A session after the presentation.



Marcello Consonni - Principal Consultant - Arc Welding

Marcello Consonni

Principal Consultant - Arc Welding

Marcello is a consultant welding engineer at TWI in the UK. Marcello joined TWI's structural integrity department in 2006, then transferred to the welding engineering section in 2009.

Prior to TWI, Marcello worked as a metallurgist and welding engineer for an Italian pressure vessel manufacturer, now owned by the Westinghouse Electric Company.

Marcello is a member of various standardisation committees, including ASME BPV section IX, ASME BPV III UK International Working Group, ISO committees for welding qualifications and was a member of welding quality and the French Afcen committee ‘RCC MRx’ for high temperature and fusion reactors.

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