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Navantia Webinar on Introduction to Failure Analysis

Webinars 06 February 2025

Navantia Webinar on An Introduction to Failure Analysis
Time: 11am, Spain/10am, UK

Failure investigation is only a small, but essential part of the root cause analysis process. This presentation highlights the difference between failure investigation and root cause analysis, considers the methodology of a failure investigation, and using examples, covers some of the pitfalls related to interpreting the data arising from failure investigations. Some of the challenges associated with failures which occur frequently, or occurred due to repairs being carried out without investigation of the failure are also considered.  


Mike Dodge - Team Manager, Materials Performance and Characterisation, Materials and Structural Integrity Technology Group

Mike Dodge

Team Manager, Materials Performance and Characterisation, Materials and Structural Integrity Technology Group

Mike first joined TWI approximately 12 years ago, whilst working towards a PhD on hydrogen embrittlement. Mike now works as a Team Manager within TWI’s Materials Performance and Characterisation Section. He helps manage confidential projects for TWI’s members within the oil and gas, defence, aerospace, automotive, and nuclear sectors. He has a particular interest in the performance of non-ferrous alloys and is currently involved in projects assessing how corrosion resistant alloys perform in different environments, including gaseous hydrogen, seawater with cathodic protection, and sour solutions.

Mike is also a lecturer on TWI’s failure investigation course and has been involved in over 50 failure investigations, ranging from 1” corrosion resistant alloy tubes to catastrophic rupture of large bore pipelines. Mike uses the lessons learned during these investigations to supplement workshops and training courses for TWI’s Members and partner universities.

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