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An Open Innovation Eco-system Delivering Industrial Impact

Your One-stop-shop for Engineering Technologies Acceleration

TWI Innovation Network (TWIIN) is an open innovation eco-system connecting companies and organisations globally to collaborate on research and development (R&D) projects for engineering technologies acceleration. With a track record in supporting SMEs, larger companies, universities, and research and technology organisations (RTOs) to secure competitive grant funding, TWIIN helps collaborators to deliver disruptive new technologies that meet market demand, contributing to society, economies, the environment and industry. 

TWIIN operates a number of innovation-focused centres, programmes, services and activities including:


TWI Innovation Centres undertake collaborative R&D projects to address technical and industrial challenges in different fields of engineering, including digital twin, artificial intelligence (AI), additive manufacturing, digitalisation, joining for Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, advanced inspection and monitoring, robotics and automation, advanced materials and composites, textiles design for circular economy, carbon capture, utilisation and storage, healthcare technologies and more.  Innovation Centres work closely with SMEs, universities, RTOs and TWI Technology sections to deliver technology solutions with commercial potential.

TWIIN is part of international research and technology organisation (RTO) TWI Ltd which operates internationally and is headquartered in Cambridge, UK.  TWI's specialist consultants, engineers, scientists, researchers and technicians deliver engineering, materials and manufacturing solutions that meet the needs of TWI Industrial Member companies and wider industry.

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