Thu, 18 January, 2024
Further investment in cutting edge NDT equipment has enhanced TWI’s offering in advanced ultrasonic inspection. The recently acquired equipment includes two types of pulser-receiver and associated software, and two automated inspection scanner configurations.
Procurement of two Zetec TOPAZ® pulser-receivers and a Zetec DYNARAY® pulser-receiver has enabled expansion of the NDT Group’s offering of advanced ultrasonics, including phased array inspection. The 64-channel TOPAZ instrument delivers portable phased array inspection in challenging materials and hazardous environments. The 256-channel DYNARAY unit enables inspection of thick section materials, using multiple transducers or multi-channel transducers. Its comprehensive software enables 3D simulation of ultrasonic inspection of complex geometries, and efficient inspection set-up and data analysis.
The newly purchased Motix and Navic scanners, both from JIREH Industries, increase TWI’s capability in fully automated weld inspection and corrosion mapping for both ferrous and non-ferrous materials, over a wide range of component types and sizes. The NDT Inspection Team have undertaken training and site application using the new scanners in the power generation and nuclear industries in 2023.
This equipment acquisition was part of an initiative known as AEMRI (Advanced Engineering Materials Research Institute), which was funded by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) using European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).
Email the ‘Contact Us’ address below, to get in touch with the NDT team for help with your inspection needs.
Figure 1. (Left to Right) Zetec TOPAZ® 64-channel pulser-receiver, Zetec DYNARAY® 256-channel pulser-receiver, Motix scanner and Navic scanner