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ORC Hybrids and Advanced Thermal Storage Systems

Webinars 09 September 2024

Materials selection for PCM-based thermal energy storage system for geothermal plants

Speaker: Shiladitya Paul

This webinar will disseminate the research conducted in the ‘GeoSmart’ EU H2020 Project, focusing on the development of PCM (phase change material)-based thermal energy storage systems for geothermal plants. This talk will explore the process of selecting optimal PCMs and construction materials suitable for the specific temperature ranges encountered in geothermal applications. The testing procedures will be explained where various construction materials were exposed to molten PCMs, followed by detailed analysis to determine the corrosion rates. Visual documentation of the materials before and after exposure will be shared, providing a comprehensive understanding of the material compatibility and performance. The findings highlight the importance of considering both the PCM and the construction material together, rather than in isolation, to ensure the durability and efficiency of thermal energy storage systems.



Hybridization of the Kizildere 2 Geothermal Power Plant with Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies

Speaker: Nicholas Chandler

This webinar session will discuss the research conducted under the GeoSmart EU H2020 Project, focusing on the integration of concentrating solar thermal (CST) technologies into existing geothermal power plants. The presentation will cover different modelling strategies to develop a hybrid geothermal plant using various CST technologies and thermal storage, utilizing Fraunhofer ISE’s in-house solar-thermal modelling tool, ColSimCSP. The webinar will also discuss preliminary results from an optimization study, indicating the potential improvements in the techno-economic performance of a geothermal plant through the adoption of solar technologies.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Grant agreement 818576.



Dr Shiladitya Paul - Research & Product Development Programme Manager, Surface, Corrosion and Interface Engineering

Dr Shiladitya Paul

Research & Product Development Programme Manager, Surface, Corrosion and Interface Engineering

Shiladitya joined TWI in 2008 after a PhD in Materials Science and Metallurgy from the University of Cambridge, UK, and subsequently became the Director of MatIC in January 2018. He is an innovative technology specialist with experience in the industrial development and application of specialised materials, coatings, and corrosion mitigation methods. He has published over 100 papers/articles on materials, coatings and corrosion. Shiladitya is active in the scientific community as a peer reviewer and member of the editorial team for several journals, and on a number of international, scientific and industrial committees, including holding the positions of Vice Chair of the European Federation of Corrosion (WP9), Chair of the 2023/24 symposium on Thermal and Cold Spray Coatings at AMPP Annual Conference, and a member, and judge, of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (JTST), Best Paper Award committee. He is a registered Chartered Engineer (CEng) in the UK, and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM). 

Nicholas Chandler - Scientific Researcher, PhD Student

Nicholas Chandler

Scientific Researcher, PhD Student
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)

Nicholas Chandler is Scientific Researcher, PhD Student at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE).

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