Risk Assessment
TWI's success is dependent on the provision of technically demanding services by highly skilled, qualified people. In general, we believe the risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chain is low. Despite this, TWI acknowledges that there is a recognised risk that modern slavery could affect our supply chain, particularly for laboratory equipment, clothing and personal protective equipment. This risk is increased for low cost, uncertified items. For this reason, such items are only purchased from reputable organisations, giving guaranteed conformance with relevant International standards.
Policies and Procedures
TWI has a number of policies and procedures relevant to the prevention of human slavery, including:
Supply Chain
All suppliers are required to comply with TWI Ltd's conditions of purchase which include the clear declaration that, ‘None of the deliverables under the contract were manufactured or assembled by a work force made up, in whole or in part, of slave, child or any other form of forced or involuntary labour.’ All suppliers are required to ensure that their company conforms to our terms of business. We reserve the right to audit any of our suppliers for conformance. If we were to find evidence of a failure to comply, we will take immediate action, which will include terminating our relationship with the relevant supplier if appropriate.
All staff are made aware of the policies relating to modern slavery and are actively encouraged to report any concerns.
Authorised by the Executive Board and signed on its behalf