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Material Assessment in Methane-Hydrogen Combinations

Material Assessment in Methane-Hydrogen Combinations

Status: Project
Date Announced: February, 2023
Project reference: 35952


Composite and multi-material pipe infrastructure exists for carrying natural gas and in the future there will be significant benefit if these can be used for blends of hydrogen (H2) gas. Materials containing polymers such as thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers have been in service for decades in high methane (CH4) or carbon dioxide (CO2) fractions. In some instances, the materials are in a product that is past design life. To support their continued use when changing to hydrogen, whilst assuring integrity and continued functionality, there is a need to establish how the polymers might have altered over time.

TWI has expertise in connecting different material properties before and after exposure to gases and liquids.


An objective of this project is to summarise the potential chemical and physical alteration in a range of materials when exposed to hydrogen. In addition to track the critical material properties and put them into a Microsoft® Excel worksheet. Finally, to compare selected permeation rates of methane and methane-hydrogen blends with inter-dispersed rapid gas decompression events.


The repurposing of existing lines for use in hydrogen gas will be possible, avoiding the need for investment and disruption through new installation.

If you are interested in finding out more, see the PDF download. If you would like to join this JIP, please contact us.