Improving the Quality and Reducing the Cost of Powder Metallurgy Hot Isostatic Pressing (PM HIP) Manufactured Parts
Status: Proposal
Date Announced: November, 2024
Project reference: PROP312558
The Need
Large, complex engineering components, such as those used in the aerospace, oil & gas, chemical, defence and nuclear industries, are currently made from castings and/or forgings, followed by extensive machining and possibly welding operations. Limited capability and expertise (particularly in the UK) to make such parts, means that companies can become beholden to sole suppliers and have to pay exorbitant prices. This will result in increased lead time and long supply chain length. Additionally, the limited geometrical capabilities of forging processes means that extensive machining is also required, resulting in as much as 90% expensive material wastage and machining tool breakages, a loss that should not be tolerated for costly alloys in a resource-conscious society. Furthermore, conventional manufacturing processes such as casting-forging, machining and welding possess some limitations such as restricted part geometries and large variation in microstructure (such as between thick and thin forged structures) and the associated scatter band in mechanical properties.
Thus, due to a progressive increase in operating condition requirements, design complexity and the need of reducing material wastage, the use of powder metallurgy hot isostatic pressing (PM HIP) technique can represent a valid alternative to traditional manufacturing processes. Despite the clear benefits of PM HIP technology, its widespread adoption poses several challenges.
The aim of this Joint Industry Project is to assist TWI Members in overcoming the barriers in adopting this technology, allowing for smart manufacturing of selected industrial parts in near net shape form via PM HIP technique with reduction in supply chain length, material wastage, carbon footprint and superior mechanical properties.
The objectives of this JIP are the following:
- Develop a framework for PM HIP manufacturing of selected parts, considering various factors such as shape prediction software tool, powder materials, pre- and post-HIP operations, required materials properties and service conditions.
- Establish quality assurance and control measures for PM HIP technique to ensure reliability and consistency in near net shape manufacturing of high value engineering parts.
- Develop training material and a template instruction for PM HIP process to ensure adherence to industry standards and best practice.
The benefits associated with this JIP are the following:
- Increased opportunities for industry to adopt this technique in order to replace the traditional manufacturing processes, as a result of knowledge and understanding of PM HIP parts manufacturing gained during this project.
- Enable industry and manufacturers to undertake the certification and qualification of PM HIP parts as well as help in developing the relevant codes and standards, by use of the best practice guidelines developed in this project.
Relevant publication on PM HIP part manufacturing
If you are interested in finding out more, download the PDF Summary Outline using the following link.