Resistive implant welding involves trapping an electrically conducting insert between the two parts to be joined, and then resistively heating the insert by passing an electric current through it. The inserts are frequently made of metal in wire, braid or mesh form and the electric current is generally D.C. or low frequency A.C. As the implant heats due to resistive losses, the surrounding thermoplastic softens and melts and, with the aid of an applied pressure, forms a weld.
Resistive implant welding is a simple technique, which can be applied to almost any thermoplastic. Weld times can be relatively short, typically under 60 seconds for most applications.
As with any implant welding technique there is a consumable, which must be taken into account in any calculation of cost. However, the rest of the equipment is relatively simple, comprising a power supply and pressure application system.
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