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Video: Eddy Current Array Inspection

Mon, 17 March, 2025

One of the many non-destructive testing techniques that TWI experts can provide support with is eddy current array inspection.

This advanced form of conventional eddy current testing uses an array of single eddy current coils or sensors that are multiplexed in a particular order to obtain the required sensitivity. Eddy current probes can come in different designs, including padded probes, flexible probes, and spring loaded finger probes.

The process offers a number of advantages, including being able to test a large area in a single pass, heightened sensitivity, rapid inspection times, electronic data recording, and being conformable to complex geometries.

Typical applications for eddy current array testing include those for industries such as aerospace, manufacturing, power generation, and oil and gas, where it is used for weld inspection, edge preparation, corrosion, and surface cracking.

See the process in action with our new video, below, and contact us to find out more:

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