Tue, 30 March, 2021
The PILESENSE Project is continuing to advance in its goal to develop an ultrasonic guided wave system for the inspection of sheet piles. TWI has been working alongside BIC and Transmission Dynamics since March 2019 to solve the challenges associated with inspecting sheet piles that are widely used in docks, flood defences and piers.
The main difficulty with inspecting sheet piles comes because access is usually required and only the above surface region of the pile can be easily inspected. The project has investigated the use of ultrasonic guided waves to check the condition and integrity of sub-surface sections.
TWI developed a prototype probe array, which showed a good level of performance, while BIC conducted modelling and software development while project leaders, Transmission Dynamics conducted system integration and testing and built a bespoke test rig.
The latest developments in the project have seen testing shift to a more refined guided wave array system that should produce a more focused beam, based on modelling, which will enable an enhanced probability of detection. In addition, a new novel shear transducer is being constructed to offer better fidelity for the application.
Complex trials are due to begin at Transmission Dynamics and OREC ahead of a representative demonstration that is planned to take place in Spring / Summer of 2021.
The PILESENSE project has received funding from Innovate UK under No 104362