Wed, 14 October, 2020
TWI is preparing to launch a new joint industry programme (JIP) investigating new coating technologies and ‘green’ materials for the replacement of hard chrome plating and other coatings for service in harsh environments where combined wear and corrosion resistance are required.
Two advanced coatings technologies, EHLA (extreme high-speed laser application) and HVAF (high-velocity air fuel) spraying will be investigated at TWI. These two technologies are considered disruptors for the coatings industry and will represent a sector step-change over the next few years. Both technologies are capable of applying REACH compliant coatings, at high-speed and low cost with efficient material usage.
Legal and environmental regulations already in place, and expected to become more restrictive for Cr, Ni and Co alloy coatings, are reducing the appeal of long-established technologies such as hard chrome plating. However, the need remains for high quality protective coatings for demanding industrial applications.
In this project, extensive testing of coatings deposited using both technologies will be undertaken and benchmarked against hard chrome plating and current HCP alternatives such as high velocity oxy-fuel spraying. A fundamental understanding of the potential for both EHLA and HVAF will be gathered, with industrial drive and applications at the heart of the project. The relative cost and performance benefits of the new technologies will also be benchmarked against current state of the art industrial coatings.
As a joint industry programme, the project will provide access to high value and novel research at TWI with a low buy-in cost to industrial users. Using the knowledge gained, participants will have a greater understanding of these new technologies and their disruptive capability within production, gaining access to data on materials, relative costs, performance benefits and legislation needed to address future business cases.
New Surface Engineering Technologies JIP Launch meeting:
- Who is it for: TWI Industrial Members interested in gaining a competitive advantage in advanced coating technologies and materials with a low buy-in
- When: Initial launch meeting on 18 November 2020
- Where: Virtual Event
For further details or to express interest in the programme, please read the attached outline available below or contact Josh Barras ( and Melissa Riley (
Image courtesy of Kermetico.
EHLA coating process.
HVAF coating process. (Image provided by Kermetico)