Tue, 04 February, 2020
GeoSmart aims to transform geothermal plants to flexible sources of power and heat thereby improving environmental performance and energy security. In order to make informed future energy investment decisions in light of declining fossil fuel usage, GeoSmart will also evaluate the synergistic effects on flexibility, dispatchability, price and Capex utilisation of retired assets, across a number of hybridisation opportunities including hybrid geothermal and concentrated solar power plant. As part of this initiative, GeoSmart partners METU, is hosting an Open Event “ODAK2023 Kick-Off Event Sunrise for Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST)” on 26th February 2010 in Turkey. The event will showcase METU's Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) H2020 projects, including the research on hybrid geothermal-CST power plants through GeoSmart.
For full details, see PDF link below.
ODAK2023_1stAnnouncement200127 - pdf - 1mb