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Flexible Learning for NDT at TWI

Wed, 17 July, 2019

TWI offers a selection of eLearning and blended learning options for a number of our standard courses. These options allow you to take your learning into your own hands while also saving time and money on travel and accommodation. Another benefit is how these learning packages mean less time away from your job, as you can study where and when you want.

To get closer to the eLearning and blended learning experience, we took some time to speak with a few of our trainees studying Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) at TWI’s headquarters near Cambridge to find out how they felt the eLearning aspect helped their studies. Sixty per cent of the students on the course opted for the Blended learning option.

Working for Olympus as an Advanced NDT Specialist, Mark Perston explained how blended learning allowed him to spend more time going over the areas he wanted as compared to a solely classroom-based course. Aiming to understand more about the technology that he sells as part of his job, Mark liked the option of being able to learn at his own pace ahead of attending the classroom-based aspect of the course. He also noted how this head-start meant that he didn’t have to spend as much time away from home, saving both time and money.

Saving on hotel costs and downtime from his job was also a factor for Senior Pipeline Inspector, Vincent Lacey. With ten years of NDT experience behind him, Vincent explained that there was a need for him to gain a better understanding of PAUT as it is “the NDT method of choice” in his line of work. Learning about this testing technique means that he can cover more of the work himself rather than sending PAUT aspects out to others, meaning a faster and more efficient turnaround in his work, not to mention saving on the cost of this work.

The eLearning aspect of the course helped Vincent to make better sense of the subject and he was quick to confirm that he would “absolutely” recommend blended learning to others.

Finally, Nivaldo Lopez de la Cruz has made the journey all the way from Brazil to attend the course. As an owner of his own company, where he works as a Quality Control Manager, Nivaldo was able to save time and money by taking the eLearning course and cutting down on the time he needed to be in the UK. He felt that the eLearning aspect complimented the classroom-based studies and gave him background information and a deeper understanding of PAUT.

Overall, the time and cost-saving benefits, as well as the option to learn at your own pace, were highlighted as the major positives of blended learning. This eLearning aspect can then be supplemented with face-to-face classroom based study, where you will be able to focus on any areas where you may need more help.

Find out more about our NDT eLearning products such as appreciation, pre-course, blended learning or refresher eLearning packages in Phased Array UT, Time of Flight Diffraction or Ultrasonic Testing.

TWI's Alex Tsougranis delivering the PAUT blended learning course in Cambridge.
TWI's Alex Tsougranis delivering the PAUT blended learning course in Cambridge.

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