Figure 1 shows the design space of the bracket (the area where the topology optimisation solution can add or remove material based on the given loads and constraints). Alongside is the suggested design solution exhibiting a 75% reduction in mass without compromise to performance. This represents a potentially significant material and cost saving compared to the original design.
Compared to AM, the casting process is fast, reliable and less susceptible to distortion and tolerance sensitivity. Therefore, accurate casting modelling using Altair Inspire Cast can help to predict: a) the pulling velocity field, fundamental to verify that the molten material is uniformly distributed across the mould; b) the distribution of solid fraction, which helps to evaluate the presence of porous regions in the material; and
c) the temperature distribution over time, which is of importance to predict regions of possible hot crack nucleation and subsequent propagation. In this way, the casting process can be improved to obtain more durable and cost-effective components.