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SusFE Targets Functional Electronics Production in Europe

The Healthcare Innovation Centre (HIC) was established in early 2017 as a strategic, industry-academia partnership by Teesside University and TWI.  Since then it has gone on to embrace collaborative research and development (R&D) opportunities, working closely with UK and European SMEs, other RTOs, and TWI’s Technical Sections and Technology Innovation Management team to foster new innovations through successful proposals to grant funding instruments.

For a three year period, commencing October 2022, Teesside University and TWI were also joint delivery partners for the Tees Valley Innovation (TIA) Accelerator, a fully funded scheme that provided tailored support to engineering technology-based SMEs in the Tees Valley region, looking for additional momentum to help them bring new products and services to market. TIA was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the Northern Powerhouse region.

One of the current projects in HIC’s portfolio is SusFE: Innovative processes and methodologies for next generation, sustainable, flexible electronics. The consortium members for SusFE, alongside HIC, are Bio enzymatic Fuel Cells (BEFC, France), Capitainer (Sweden), Fraunhofer EMFT (Germany), Medtronic, Molecular Plasma Group (MPG, Luxembourg), Pragmatic (United Kingdom), Tecnalia (Serbia) and VTT (Finland). Companies MPG and Pragmatic also participated in the TIA scheme and this led to them joining the SusFE consortium.


Europe is a leader in the use of digital technologies for product manufacturing, however functional electronics production is one of several, emerging areas of digital transformation that currently has no established players and also has the potential to significantly disrupt strategic sectors. In addition, the global market for functional electronics was expected to reach €37.7billion by 2023. Therefore, if the full potential of functional electronics could be harnessed in Europe, it would enable the region to strengthen its leadership position through the exploitation of cutting-edge, climate-neutral, digital solutions and seize on emerging opportunities.

The initial concept for SusFE originated with the HIC, whose mission is to carry out interdisciplinary research to develop new interventions, tools and therapies for health and social care. To bring the SusFE idea to fruition, the HIC worked in conjunction with TWI’s Technology Innovation Management (TIM) team to identify a suitable grant funding competition (call) to bid to, and SMEs as well as RTOs with the relevant technology and industry experience who could potentially become project partners. Once decided on, the TIM team helped the consortium to develop the concept into a project proposal, including finances, and lastly submitted the bid document to the funding body’s online portal on behalf of the partners.

SusFE was subsequently successful in winning grant funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme under the HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01 call. The project kicked off in October 2022 for a three year duration.


SusFE will develop a new, roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing platform for the production of next generation, wearable and diagnostic devices, delivering:

  • An innovative (beyond state-of-the-art), R2R manufacturing approach, specifications and processes for next generation, functional electronics components and systems
  • Circuitry on flexible polymer substrate, using low cost and non-silicon manufacturing processes which are more sustainable than rigid silicon integrated circuits (ICs) and conformable
  • Enzyme integrated on carbon electrode for conversion of glucose and oxygen, to provide an organic energy solution that is compostable, with comparable energy density, and improved power density compared with printed alkaline technologies
  • Tailoring of surfaces using cold atmospheric plasma for joining of different layers and deposition of bio receptors
  • Flexible and stretchable printed electronics, integrated into textile garments for wearable
  • New, next generation, sustainable, wearable and diagnostic devices produced via the platform, and incorporating the SusFE toolbox of materials and processes
SusFE project
SusFE project


The SusFE R2R manufacturing platform design incorporates a novel, flexible integrated circuit (FlexIC) on polymer and textile substrates, ultra-low power, printed sensors/bio sensors and wireless communication driven by an organic, recyclable, bio-enzymatic fuel cell. The integration of these materials and technologies will enable the production of new, lightweight, environmentally sustainable and low cost devices, to be demonstrated via four use cases: a smart, wound monitoring bandage with sensors; an intelligent, paper hybrid blood-self sampling device; and a point-of-care diagnostics device that uses electrochemical detection to identify different biomarkers and cardio-metabolic monitoring (see Figure 1.).

To date, the SusFE consortium has achieved a series of notable outcomes on the project.

Use cases

A wound monitoring patch composed of a reusable part comprising fuel cell/battery and radio-frequency identification (RFID), and a disposable part integrated with pH and humidity sensor. The disposable part of the wound monitoring patches was fabricated using standard photolithography in a R2R method on commercial, flexible foil.

A blood self-sampling card that consists of a microfluidic laminate that allows passive removal of red blood cells from finger prick blood and metering of the generated plasma/serum. Integration of electrodes, a bio-enzymatic fuel cell and FlexIC in the card will allow registration of the time of sampling, and wireless transmission of the sampling signal through an RFID tag which will allow use for therapeutic drug monitoring in clinical trials and healthcare.

Multimodal sensing from a textile integrated electrode array has been developed and prototyped, and the initial hypothesis of multimodal sensory recording using the data acquisition testbed trialled. The electrode was used in a series of experiments with human volunteers to examine its characteristics, and determine the influence of sensor placement on the quality of recorded signals, and the feasibility of extracting the targeted biomarkers for blood testing in a repeatable, reliable manner. Current work is identifying and analysing biodegradable inks that can be used for the prototyping of the next iterations of the multi electrode sensor arrays.

Work on the point-of-care device has focused on developing the electrochemical (EC) sensing, mainly investigating suitable substrate materials, printing inks, insulators and strategies for immobilising antibodies on the electrodes. Options for the fabrication of fluidic structures by using sustainable materials have also been studied.

R2R manufacturing platform

Three design, manufacturing and testing cycles of increasing complexity, each with regular internal design reviews to ensure the quality of the delivered system, have been planned for the SusFE platform. Work is now in progress to integrate various components into the R2R manufacturing system which, when built, will be tested and validated, and life cycle cost analysis undertaken. Two different biodegradable, film substrates were tested to assess their compatibility for inclusion in the lithography process for manufacture of the copper wiring required, and this identified some issues with adhesion between the deposited metallic layers and the base substrates.


Globally, it is estimated that the annual incidence of laparotomies (surgery involving an incision into the abdominal wall) is about 1:1,000 of the population. During an emergency laparotomy, surgical site infection can occur in more than 20% of patients. Therefore, the wound monitoring device developed in SusFE will provide a smart dressing that can monitor the healing process, and potential complications, particularly for laparotomy patients who could have impaired wound healing due to known comorbidities.

The blood self-sampling device will open up possibilities for patients to take a blood sample by themselves in their own home which can then be sent via regular mail to an analysis laboratory, avoiding the need to travel to a clinic or be visited by a nurse or phlebotomist. Home sampling also reduces the risk of exposure to infectious disease, an important factor for vulnerable patients.

Conventional diagnosis of sepsis by blood culture testing takes several days and this may cause delays in accurate treatment of the patient’s condition. The point of care device devised within SusFE will enable blood testing near to the patient, for example in the home healthcare setting without the need for travelling to central laboratories or hospitals, saving time and effort, and return of the diagnosis result within one hour.

The SusFE R2R manufacturing platform will result in digital solutions that are climate-neutral, within the framework of green and circular economies, and represent a breakthrough in wearable and diagnostic devices. European companies in the healthcare sector are expected to drive primary market demand, with additional interest from other sectors such as agriculture and environmental following over time. This will contribute to enhancing the EU’s competitiveness in important, fast-growing global markets such as medical wearables, in vitro diagnostics and wider functional electronics.

The technologies developed, tested and applied within SusFE are set to achieve technology readiness level (TRL) 4-5, contributing to the wider area of innovative functional electronics manufacturing, processes and products.

Visit the SusFE website to find out more about the project.

 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070477.

Figure 1. Illustration of the SusFE solution.
Figure 1. Illustration of the SusFE solution.

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