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LH2CRAFT: Safe Hydrogen Storage and Transportation by Ship

LH2CRAFT is an innovate collaborate project that TWI is affiliated to through the participation of its Fatigue Integrity Management (FIM) section and TWI Industrial Member company ABS. TWI was invited to join the consortium for LH2CRAFT as a result of its work on sister project NH3CRAFT, which was supported in the proposal stage by TWI’s Technology Innovation Management team within the TWI Innovation Network.


Hydrogen is recognised by global industry as a primary fuel in helping to achieve decarbonisation. However, ongoing research and development (R&D) is needed to create new technologies that can address fundamental issues associated with hydrogen storage and transportation, arising from its high energy mass and low ambient temperature density, which result in a low energy-per-unit volume.

In terms of hydrogen usage, now and in the future, regions that can produce hydrogen at a low cost will need to transport it safely over long distances to regions that require it. The most efficient way of transporting hydrogen currently is in liquid form (i.e., in -253 °C and in a reduction in volume by approximately 800 times over its gaseous phase).  It was in the context of these challenges that the LH2CRAFT project: Safe and efficient marine transportation of liquid hydrogen was conceived.


In 2023, TWI was delighted to be invited by project initiator and co-ordinator Hydrus Engineering Ltd, who is a global engineering firm delivering technologies and services in the maritime and energy industries, to be a partner in the LH2CRAFT initiative. Hydrus had identified that the EU’s Horizon Europe (HE) programme could potentially provide funding for the project, so set about building a consortium of like-minded partners who could work together to develop their idea and produce the required proposal for submission to the relevant HE funding competition (call). International certification body, and TWI Industrial Member company, ABS (American Bureau of Shipping), represented by ABS Hellenic on the project, also joined the consortium, as did fellow global certification bodies RINA and Bureau Veritas.

ABS, founded in 1862, is a global leader in providing classification services for marine and offshore assets, serving the public interest as well as the needs of its members and clients by promoting the security of life and property, and preserving the natural environment. Today, ABS applies advanced technology, digital tools, capabilities and improved core processes to drive safety excellence, greater performance and efficiency, and continues to be a trusted advisor and partner, supporting marine and offshore business ventures for both traditional and non-traditional clients.

Completing the consortium are: universities, the University of Strathclyde, Technische Universitat Dresden, National Technical University of Athens and the University of Patras; the European Association of Universities in Marine Technology (WEGEMT); the European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN); and companies Gabadi, ACTEMIUM and HD Korean Shipping & Offshore Engineering.

The funding call selected to target was HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2022-2: Hydrogen and H2NG leak detection for continuous monitoring and safe operation of HRS and future hydrogen/H2NG networks, aligned to the topic area: HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2022-02-06 Development of large scale LH2 containment for shipping.  The 14 partners then worked collaboratively on the significant, end-to-end process of developing the concept and associated technologies into a working project, establishing the budget and financial controls, writing the proposal document and, finally, submitting it to the EU Funding & Tenders Portal to the deadline, undertaken by Hydrus. The consortium was subsequently successful in winning funding from HE to enable the project.


The overall goal of LH2CRAFT is to develop a next generation, sustainable, commercially attractive and safe technology for long-term storage and long-distance transportation of hydrogen (LH2) on ships (see image top of page). This will be achieved through the creation of new design solutions that allow for the storage of LH2 at a temperature of 20K (Kelvin) and demonstration in a 180m³ containment system. 

Key objectives include:

  • Safe, cost and energy efficient storage and transportation of large LH2 quantities over long distances
  • Develop an LH2 cargo containment system (CCS) for use in shipping that exceeds current, demonstrated sizes
  • Design modular, scalable LH2 storage to large dimensions, similar to those of existing liquefied gas (LNG) carriers
  • Achieve Approval in Principle (AiP) and General Approval (GA) from ABS International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) partner for the CCS concept, as well as the AiP for the auxiliary systems
  • Demonstrate the CCS via detailed design, construction and testing of a reduced size prototype (180 cubic metres)
  • Develop a safe, preliminary, integrated ship design and carry out a corresponding cost estimate
  • Support the EU’s position as a strong, global, maritime leader and provider of highly skilled jobs, efficient technological solutions and international, regulatory standards, thereby contributing to industries and society
HL2CRAFT project logo.
HL2CRAFT project logo.


Currently in its first year, LH2CRAFT has completed a number of activities to date, some of which are now described. 

Desktop studies have been undertaken to assess alternative containment types and designs in relation to handling and distribution systems, bunkering (the transfer of fuel to a vessel or facility in the form of LNG or traditional marine fuels such as residual or distillate fuel oils) arrangements and other requirements. An accompanying GAP analysis served to evaluate the suitability of alternative containment systems for both new and existing vessels. These activities paved the way for defining the technological and economic boundaries of the LH2 CCS.

Environmental impact of the planned CCS prototype has been evaluated against that of alternative solutions using life cycle assessment (LCA) to holistically investigate cradle to grave. A life cycle inventory (LCI) enabled pollutants of concern to be identified, quantified and their impact assessed, then summarised into categories according to their potential to contribute to global warming, acidification and so on. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted for various parameters. Later in the project, life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) will be used to examine the various phases of the LH2 CCS, including raw material exploitation, material production, design, construction, operation, maintenance and dismantling for recycling. It will also assess cash flows, and compare different design, maintenance, and replacement strategies for the developed solution. The results from this analysis will support future exploitation and business plans, based on the LH2CRAFT project outcomes.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) was used to translate customer needs into appropriate technical requirements for the LH2CRAFT. Expert opinions were collected, and a conceptual map created for inter-functional planning and communications. These tasks help identify the potential for standardisation, market readiness and commercial uptake, the shortest, viable transition period to a zero-carbon fleet and the balance of technical-economical that is justifiable.

The conceptual design for the liquid hydrogen cargo tank, which will be efficiently integrated with a ship design similar to existing large-scale LNG Carriers (e.g. 174k cubic metres), is modular with unit insulation panels installed on each of two layers. The primary barrier enabling safe storage of LH2, and the second barrier to follow the International Gas Code requirements, are both made of stainless steel; proven to have excellent hydrogen (H2) compatibility and mechanical strength in the LH2 environment. A corrugated structure will counteract shrinkage at low temperatures. The materials that form the barrier are being tested in cryogenic conditions, with temperature down to the point of liquefaction of H2 at 20K. This will enable assessment of properties like strength, stiffness, fatigue behaviour, fracture toughness, thermal conductivity and behaviour against H2 embrittlement.

Further work on LH2CRAFT will include preliminary, integrated ship design for the LH2 CCS, development of an engineering design process for the handling, distribution and monitoring subsystems (HDMSS), assembly, manufacture, demonstration and functionality testing of the prototype, and approval (in principle and general) of the LH2 CCS and HDMSS led by partner ABS (see Figure 1.)


On completion, the new LH2 cargo containment system (CCS) will help to reshape the future of LH2 logistics, providing a transportation method that offers a number of benefits over existing systems including greater reliability and efficiency, improved safety in line with regulatory compliance and a more sustainable solution in the global drive towards net zero. The scalable characteristics of the proposed CCS will allow engineers to speed up future design studies on liquid H₂ containment and storage. The life cycle model developed within the project will provide a significant tool for enabling cost comparisons across different design, maintenance and replacement strategies. Guidelines for the safe transportation of LH2 by the marine industry will also be provided.

As well as the positive impacts anticipated from LH2CRAFT, the project also demonstrates the power and benefit of collaboration, and TWI’s contribution to engineering technologies innovation for both TWI industrial Members and wider industry. TWI was invited to join the consortium for LH2CRAFT as a result of the work it is delivering as a partner on sister project NH3CRAFT. This concept, similarly, was conceived and progressed through to proposal submission by Hydrus, and ABS Hellenic is also a consortium member on the project. TWI’s Technology Innovation Management team supported the consortium by undertaking due diligence on the completed proposal prior to submission, ensuring it fully met the criteria of the targeted call. Competitive grant funding was successfully secured from Horizon Europe with the goal of designing, engineering, developing and demonstrating a next generation, sustainable, commercially attractive and safe technology for high-quantity, on-board storage of ammonia (NH3) including its use as a marine fuel.

Visit the LH2CRAFT website to find out more about the project.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101111972. UK participation in LH2CRAFT Project is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK Government’s Horizon Europe guarantee (grant-numbers 10082044 and 10070575).

Figure 1. LH2CRAFT main testing and engineering procedure from material, sensor and auxiliary up to small-size subsystems and final prototype testing.
Figure 1. LH2CRAFT main testing and engineering procedure from material, sensor and auxiliary up to small-size subsystems and final prototype testing.

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