Joining your local Branch of The Welding Institute is a great way for you to meet other professionals in your area.
Not only will you be able to network with like-minded people, but you will also have the opportunity to share and gain knowledge from across industry.
There are a number of different Branch activities you can be involved with, both in-person and online, that are designed to facilitate your professional and social networks – offering you support outside of the workplace.
Plus, engaging with Branch activities allows you to build up your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points…
To build CPD points each year – attend at a Branch event for an hour and gain 2 CSWIP CPD (also applies for attending Technical Group Events)
Benefits of Branches:
- Networking – The opportunity to get to meet people with same mindset as yourself
- Events – Online webinars, in-person seminars and a combination of both. You can access these at your local or other regional branch events
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - Carrying out volunteer roles and event attendance all form opportunities to achieve CPD points