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Lining Membrane Welding Courses (Heated Wedge, Extrusion and Manual Hot Air Welding) in the Middle East

Suitable for

All personnel working with lining membranes for any containment solution with a need to understand the materials, equipment and welding processes to assure the quality of an installation.

Course content

  • An introduction to the common thermoplastics used for lining membranes
  • Key processing techniques
  • Joint preparation
  • Defects and how to avoid them
  • Process control
  • Inspection and testing
  • Health and safety
  • Practical lining membrane welding (including gas membranes)
  • Good and bad site working practices
  • The BGAS/CSWIP certification scheme.


  • Confidence in competent and qualified staff
  • Reduced risk of failures
  • Demonstration of quality to European Standards
  • Reduced re-work lowers installation costs
  • Motivated workforce
  • Enhances competitive tendering for contracts
  • CSWIP is recognised worldwide


All training courses and examinations can be carried out at either TWI’s Plastic Welding Training Centre in the UK or at customers’ premises worldwide.


Our training and/or certification courses are tailored to the needs of the client, but are typically between one and three days.


TWI offers examinations leading to CSWIP certificationin accordance with EN 13067 (plastic welding personnel qualification testing of welders, thermoplastic welded assemblies), which is required by the UK Environment Agency for welding on landfill sites.

Entry level

Entry level certification is for those entering the industry. Candidates will receive basic training, so that they develop an understanding of the welding processes and equipment, before undertaking a practical assessment.

Standard level

TWI offers CSWIP certification in hot gas and extrusion welding techniques, to EN 13067 (plastic welding personnel qualification testing of welders, thermoplastic welded assemblies) for those with a minimum of 2 years practical experience. Candidates are required to undertake a practical and a multiple-choice exam in their chosen category/categories. More information is available at

Categories of certification

Hot gas (manual)
9.1 - PP membrane (0.7 - 3mm)
7.6 - PE membrane (0.3 - 1mm)

Hot gas (machine)
7.2 - PE membrane (1 - 5mm)

Heated wedge
7.3 - PE membrane (1 - 5mm)
7.4 - PE membrane (1 - 5mm)
7.7 - PE membrane (0.3 - 1mm)
9.4 - PP membrane (0.7 - 3mm)

Extrusion (manual)
7.5 - PE membrane (1 - 5mm)
7.8 - PE membrane (0.3 - 1mm)
9.5 - PP membrane (0.7 - 3mm)

PVC roofing and vinyl flooring welder training and certification is available on request.

For more infomation please email: