Thu, 05 October, 2023
Research by Saad Syed Iqbal is Poised to Revolutionise the Implementation of SLM Components in Safety-Critical Applications
Frankfurt, Germany - Saad Syed Iqbal Ahmed, a PhD Student in Material Science at NSIRC with The University of Manchester, presented his innovative research on Correlating Defects to Fatigue Performance in Selective Laser Melted Al-Si10-Mg Alloys at the German Materials Society FEMS EuroMat 2023 conference held in Frankfurt, Germany.
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is a revolutionary technology with the potential to produce topographically optimised parts comprising of complex geometries previously not possible by traditional subtractive manufacturing methods. However, implementing SLM is still restricted to non-critical applications due to lower fatigue strength and a larger scatter in fatigue life. To enable their implementation in safety-critical applications, industry needed to develop a better understanding of their fatigue behaviour.
Saad Syed Iqbal Ahmed presents at FEMS EuroMat 2023. Photo: LinkedIn / Saad Syed Iqbal Ahmed
Saad's research focuses on developing appropriate procedures towards standardising fatigue design guidance for SLM components. This work attempts to correlate defects to fatigue performance in SLMed Al-Si10-Mg alloys using X-ray Computed Tomography and microstructure characterisation techniques and, it has the potential to enable the implementation of SLM components in safety-critical applications such as biomedical, automotive, and aerospace industries.
FEMS EuroMat 2023 offered a powerful platform for interdisciplinary discussions, fostering collaborations, and exploring the latest advancements in the field of materials science and engineering. Saad's presentation was well-received by researchers, academics, and professionals from diverse universities and institutions around the world.
On LinkedIn, Saad expresses his heartfelt gratitude to his supervisors Professor Philip Withers, Professor Matthew Doré, and Dr Yanhui Zhang, whose guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping his research journey. Their guidance and expertise has been invaluable. Furthermore, he acknowledges and expresses his deep appreciation to his sponsors, the National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC) and the Lloyd's Register Foundation, for their generous funding of this project. "Their support has made it possible to advance our understanding of materials science and its applications."
"I look forward to staying connected, exploring new opportunities, and contributing to the continued advancement of materials science. Let’s keep the momentum going!"