Tue, 18 May, 2021
A research paper by NSIRC PhD Student Nagu Sathappan has been published in a Special Issue of the MDPI Sensors Journal titled 'Women in Sensors', honouring and celebrating the accomplishments of women in research.
The "Women in Sensors" issue, presents the research in sensor related fields by leading female scientists. The ambition from MDPI is for this Special Issue will highlight and enhance the high-level research of women across this scientific and engineering field.
Development of an MFL Coil Sensor for Testing Pipes in Extreme Temperature Conditions
A final year doctoral student from the National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC), Nagu Sathappan paper focused on developing the MFL NDT technique for applications in the oil and steel industry sector, with a particular emphasis on high temperature conditions
The publication was made possible by the sponsorship and support of Lloyd’s Register Foundation, and undertaken as part of the NSIRC PhD Programme in Cambridge, United Kingdom, at TWI Ltd.
Speaking about the Industrial Impact of this PhD work, Nagu said, “An inexpensive NDT technique with a condition monitoring system and a MFL coil sensor would provide a solution for preventing leakages from pipeline. Based on the results of the tests, it can be concluded that the established MFL coil sensor and device will be durable in monitoring corrosion under severe temperature conditions.”
Dr Ryan Marks, NDE Collaborative Research Section Manager at TWI Ltd said, "We are very proud to have PhD student’s integrated our sections here at TWI to conduct their research. This ensures that the work that the student conducts is industrially relevant and also is supported by world-renowned experts in their respective fields."
"We are very keen to ensure that student’s like Nagu get the most out of their studentships and that is why we encourage that they disseminate their work through respected channels which will also aid them in their future careers. I very proud that Nagu has had her article accepted in this peer-reviewed journal. Not only does it facilitate the dissemination of her work but also will add weight for when she comes to defending her thesis. Furthermore, I am really proud that this particular special issue is highlighting the great achievements of female scientists and engineers in the field of sensing. Nagu’s work is advancing science in this area and I feel that is an excellent platform to demonstrate this."
Industrial research degrees bridge the gap between academia and industry
As a contribution to society, this novel research will assist in making newly developed MFL sensor efficient under extreme temperature conditions. This would also help maintain the structural integrity of long pipelines, so that they do not compromise environmental safety, as well as the personnel involved, making for a safety place to live and work.
NSIRC and Lloyd's Register Foundation PhD Student Nagu Sathappan. Photo: TWI Ltd
Contact Nagu about her research projects