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Today employees care about their career development more than ever. With the challenges in the job market and the competing to obtain better positions, the effort in learning and upskilling is an inseparable part of career paths.
We understand the training needs of our candidates who are usually on the move. From working on offshore projects to onshore, they need personalised training material without restrictions of time and location.
The benefit of eLearning is that it allows the learners to save time and money. By opting for a self-study method you no longer need to meet the standard schedule of in-house classes. Furthermore, the eLearning eliminates travel costs and you have 24/7 access to the training material wherever you can connect to the internet.
Each individual has different learning needs and approach towards learning. The eLearning tools are interactive utilising videos, voice overs, animations and exercises that enhance engagement with the content. The result of better engagement with the training material is better learning outcome of the students.
Our range of NDT eLearning courses has been continuously expanding and over the past few years our experts have developed several training packages covering everything technicians need to know to be able to perform these widely used methods of inspection.
The courses include both certification (blended learning) and non-certification products (pre-course, refresher and appreciation courses). The following are currently offered by TWI: